
By Jade


Wanted (1/?)

Author: Jade
Disclaimer: Just a challenge fic
Distribution: Just email and ask
Summary: something to do with Angelus and a book
Note: I want to thank everyone who sent me challenges and I had to go with
Inell's idea cause..Angelus! hehe...but don't worry I'm going to try to do
the others too.
Wanted (1/?)

Willow sighed to herself impatiently as she went through the pages of yet
another dusty old book in search of some demon 411. The rest of the gang were
out patrolling.

 Willow thought to herself. She's been such a reck since Angel
turned Mr. Bad-ass-Angelus.

 Wait a minute..she straightened up in her chair and brought the book closer
to herself. She'd found something on the demon!

Turned out it's name was Majada and there didn't seem to any weaknesses at
all concerning this particular demon. There was a reference to how one human
had defeated Majada. She had cast a spell that caused the demon to become
submissive to her and thus would do whatever she commanded even killing

Willow jumped up excitedly and after copying down the spell and the
ingredients, she left the library to go buy some supplies for the spell.

Wanted (2/?)

Willow assembled all the supplies around in the cemetery where Majada was
known to hang around. The spell called for a large white feather, some magic
dust, a large silver chain and an incantation.

When Majada came around Willow she would have to throw the dust on the demon
and after chanting the incantation she had to throw the chain around the
demon's neck which would bind him to her. She would use the feather to pl
over her mouth to symbolize how the demon would follow her commands.

    "OK Willow just follow the directions and you'll be fine." She told
herself. She was getting the dust ready when she heard footsteps.

    "What are you doing out all alone at night Little Girl?" Angelus drawled
out as he stepped from behind a tomb.

    "Angel I DO not have time to bring any messages to Buffy for you right
now!" Willow tried to do her best "resolve" face at the slightly shocked

Angelus stared at her for a moment stunned at Willow's behavior. Usually when
the Scooby gang saw him they'd run or call Buffy to protect them. He smiled
at the girl and took a step forward.

    "Remember Willow. The name isn't Angel anymore," he said. His game face
came on and he took another step forward. "It's Angelus now." He growled out.

Just than the demon Majada chose that moment to amble along. It's dark green
skin glistened and it stood 7 feet high. It was also conveniently behind

Willow took a deep breath and began chanting:

    "Circles run forever and bind those near."
    "So now obey my every command that you hear."

She threw the dust on Majada but by accident since the pesky master vamp
decided to try to punch out the demon Majada when Willow threw the chain it
went around Angelus' neck instead of Majada's.

She finished the chant just than. A bright explosion occurred. It enveloped
around Willow, Angelus and Majada.

    "Uh oh." Willow uttered.

Wanted (3/?)

As the smoke and bright mist dimmed. Willow coughed and waved her hands
around trying to clear the air in front of her.

Still in front of Willow stood an irate Angelus and Majada.

    "What the hell did you just do?" Angelus growled out. His game face
melted on and he took a step toward Willow.

Majada roared and rushed past Angelus toward Willow.

    "STOP!" Willow cried out. To Angelus' astonishment. Majada stopped

Willow took a deep relieved breath. The spell had worked!

Angelus took another step toward Willow. He smirked at her.

    "Majada pick up Angelus and throw him into the bushes!" Willow cried out

The demon obediently turned around, after picking up the hissing vampire and
throwing him into the bushes. Willow commanded the Majada to kill itself. She
than turned around and ran like her life depended on it (which it did!) back
toward the school.

Back at the mansion. A grass-stained and disheveled looking Angelus cursed to
himself. The next time he saw that little witch he'd make her pay for
humiliating him with that damn demon. He cursed some more as he threw his
clothes off and climbed into his huge bed. He was still muttering about what
he'd do to Willow when he finally went to sleep.

Wanted (4/?)

Angelus was entwined with someone on his bed. It was dark and the only light
inside his room was from a candle lit by his bed. He groaned at how good she
felt around him. He clenched his hands into her hair and kissed her
passionately. He was thrusting himself deeper into her. She cried out in
pleasure underneath him. Her neck was arched and Angelus grinned tightly.

He was near an orgasm and brought his head down toward her throat to feed off
of her while inside her tight flesh. He was about to when he felt soft warm
fingers on his chin bring his head up toward his lover.

It was Willow! She smiled at him her face was flushed and her hair was all in
a disarray from his hands.

    "Just remember...you belong to me." She said softly.

Angelus eyes flew open and he sat up in his bed. He felt around with his
hands but felt no warm partner. He was hard and ready. His hands clenched to
stop the tingling from remembering what it felt like running his hands all
over her body.

Normally when he was hard in the need to fuck someone, Angelus would have
gotten Dru into his bed but this time he felt absolutely no desire for anyone
else but Willow.

He ran his hand down his erection and started jerking off with Willow in his

As he was cumming he cried out Willow's name over and over till he was

When he was done he laid back on the bed but his eyes burned with a new
intensity. A new much deeper obsession than for anyone else that he'd ever

        "I want her and I will have her." Angelus whispered to himself.

Wanted (5/?)

Willow was busily typing away on the computer in the library. The whole
Scooby gang had been astonished when she had told them about the spell and
how she had gotten rid of Majada. She did however leave out all the Angelus
parts.  She knew how her best friend felt whenever she had to face her former

    "Hey Wills put the computer stuff on hold. Let's Bronze it tonight."
Buffy chattered excitedly.

Willow smiled at Buffy and saved the program she was using.

At the Bronze Buffy, Xander and Willow took up a table. They were all kind of
thirsty from the research they'd been doing so Willow volunteered to go get
them some drinks from the bar while Buffy and Xander went onto the dance

She was humming to herself at the bar and had been about to pay for the
drinks she ordered when a pale hand reached forward and handed the bar tender
the money for the drinks.

    "The drinks are on me." Angelus purred out from behind her. He stood
about a scant inch behind Willow. He was so close all he had to do was put
his hands together in front and his arms would encircle her waist.

    "Gee thanks Angel..I mean Angelus." Willow stammered out. She scooted
sideways from Angelus and turned around to look at him. He was wearing the
customary leather pants and black silk shirt. His eyes gleamed at the sight
of her they looked her up and down possessively. He smiled at her.

    "Uh..Angelus usually when you want something you talk or rather taunt
Buffy." Willow said nervously. She fidgeted a bit, being a bit unnerved by
the way Angelus kept staring at her.

    "So...." she paused for a moment.

    "What do you want?" The question hung in the air for a moment.

Angelus's smile widened.

Wanted (6/?)

Angelus smile turned into a smirk when his eyes caught the Slayer and the
idiot boy out on the dance floor.

    "Poor poor Willow." He drawled out lazily. He stalked toward Willow.

Willow's back was pressed against the stand. Angelus was so close to her now
that she could smell the night air that clung to him and felt his eyes
prickling on her skin.

    "What do you think I want Little Girl?" His hand came forward and ran it
slowly up and down on Willow's hip. His hand sneaked under her skirt and
grasped her upper thigh. He pressed her against him, using his other hand on
her waist to keep her steady.

Willow took in a deep breath, she gasped a bit when she felt Angelus obvious
hard erection against her soft belly. She tried to back up as much as
possible from his larger frame but his grip only tightened.

    "Angelus. I know that your just doing this because of that whole
accidental demon spell thingy." Willow stammered out nervously. "Let me just
say how sorry I am and you can just go back to Buffy. No! I mean trying to
kill us..I mean being your old self again." She smiled uncertainly at him,
her hands pressed against his hard chest and tried to gently push him off.

Angelus laughed softly.

    "Oh Willow." He said softly. He leaned forward and pressed his lips
against her throat.

    "Uh..Angelus you do know that Buffy is within screaming distance right?"
Willow said.

    "Don't worry Willow. I won't do anything tonight." Angelus drawled out.

He abruptly let her go. She almost stumbled to the floor but Angelus's hand
reached out and held her up. His other hand reached out and pushed her chin
up toward his face. His eyes roamed her face, almost as if memorizing the

His lips pressed softly against hers. Willow just stood there mutely. She was
experiencing some shock on her part. Sexy-as-sin Angelus was kissing her!

He drew back from her.

    "Just remember Willow. I'll be watching you much more closely from now
on." Angelus purred out.

    "Why?" Willow asked fearfully.

Angelus grabbed her hand and brought it toward his face. She flinched
instinctively and tried to bring her hand back but his grip tightened making
it impossible for her hand to move.

He pressed his lips against the pulse at her wrist. His tongue slowly licked
the vulnerable spot. He stopped and stepped back.

    "Why because your mine, Willow. From now on...your mine." Angelus said
softly. His eyes looked into hers. His were burning with intensity and hers
were wide with fear.

    "Go back to your friends now Willow and remember the drinks were on me."
She turned her head toward the dance floor where Buffy and Xander were now
settling back into the table. When she turned back, Angelus was gone.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and grabbed the drinks.

Wanted (7/?)

The Scooby gang settled into the library. They were discussing the latest
updated information on Angelus.

    "Buffy have you run into Angelus lately?" Giles asked.

    "Yeah I have but I don't know.." Buffy said slowly. "...There seems to be
something different about him."

    "Different? How exactly?" Giles asked sharply. Angelus was a very
unpredictable wild card.

    "Almost as if he were thinking of someone else." Buffy's tone reflected
the slight resentment she felt that Angelus had gotten over her so quickly.

Willow tensed a bit at Buffy's statement. She hoped that Angelus hadn't let
Buffy onto WHO exactly he was thinking about.

Buffy chattered on a bit with the gang before she jumped up and announced
that it was time to patrol. Xander and Cordelia went with her. Willow, Oz and
Giles stayed behind to research some more.

Willow clicking on some information about rituals when a small window opened
up on the monitor.

[Hello Willow]

Willow jumped back slightly, she looked around quickly to see if anyone had
noticed, Oz was rifling through some Watcher diaries and didn't notice the
slight movement. Giles was in his office looking through some other dusty

[Who is this?]

[Who do you think this is Willow?]

[I don't know...what do you want?]

[Oh you know what I want Willow.....Remember your mine]

[Angelus please just leave me alone.]

[It's not going to happen little girl. YOUR MINE]

Willow was about to type something back when a loud crash was heard outside
the school, followed by high pitched screams for help.

Oz and Giles stood up quickly and after gathering some weapons from the
chest. They told Willow to stay put and out of danger while they handled
this. Willow was about to protest but the library door slammed behind them
before she could say something.

She looked around slowly, the silence in the room was a bit unnerving.

[Your all alone Willow]

[No, I'm not. Oz and Giles are right here along with a lot of pointy wooden

[LOL...sure Willow than why are Oz and Giles outside taking care of some

[How did you know that?]

[I can see you Willow.]

Willow abruptly stood up and ran for Gile's office to get a weapon. She was
about to open the door when cold pale hands grasped her around her waist.
They whirled her around to face a smirking Angelus.

    "Your mine." He growled out before reaching down and carrying Willow over
to the library table. She tried to kick and squirm her way out of his embrace
but he only laughed.

He sat her on the table and began unbuttoning his shirt. Willow's eyes
widened at the pale skin being unveiled. She did however react when his hand
reached for her shirt buttons.

    "Stop it Angelus!" Willow cried out frantically. Her hands were on his
trying to stop him but she might as well have been talking to a wall. He
quickly unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off onto the floor.

He smiled down at Willow who blushed furiously. She was wearing a green satin
bra. They made her eyes glow.

    "Why Willow I never would have guessed." He laughed softly.

Angelus stopped laughing when Willow tried to squirm backward onto the table
which only caused her chest to move oh-so invitingly. Plus it raised her
skirt up toward her upper thighs. Lust burned brightly in his eyes.

He yanked her shoes and socks off. He than forced her to lie back on the
table. His hand reached up below her skirt and slowly pulled her panties off
leaving her wearing only her bra and skirt.

Willow shuddered partly in fear and the beginnings of desire. All these
sensations hit her from all sides. Fear, desire, anger at his high-handeness
and reluctant anticipation.

Angelus nostrils flared as he smelled her arousal. Every fiber in his being
screamed to fuck her right than and there but he controlled that urge.

He leaned over Willow and using his mouth slowly pulled her bra strap down
till her nipples was exposed. He attached his mouth to it and began suckling
hungrily at it. Willow cried out at the friction and pleasure. Her insides
warmed and she felt her body readying itself. Her hands reached up and buried
themselves in Angelus's silky hair, they clenched as he used his other hand
to pull down the remaining bra strap. His fingers pinched her nipple, the
hand massaged her breast. His mouth switched tits till both her nipples were
reddened and hard with arousal.

Angelus was hard and ready. His hands frantically freed his cock from his
pants and brought it over to Willow's warm wet slit. He pushed himself
inside. Willow was gasping and moaning with desire. Her hands clenched on his
bare shoulders. Her legs were wrapped around his hips, urging him on.

He was about to settle down to a nice long hard fuck when....

    "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!" Xander cried out in shock.

Angelus and Willow looked toward the door where the entire Scooby gang was
looking at them in complete and utter shock.

Wanted (8/9)

Angelus looked at the Scooby gang staring in shock at he and Willow's rather
compromising position. He growled loudly at them.

Willow quickly pushed the distracted Angelus off of her, she was thankful for
the skirt she was wearing as she used her arms to shield her chest from view.
After picking up her shirt from the floor, she turned her back to the group
while she buttoned it back on.

Angelus sighed irritably his eyes looked forlornly at Willow's body before he
zipped his pants back up.

Buffy took one step forward. Her face still reflecting her shock.

    "What the hell is going on!"

Angelus laughed harshly. "What the hell does it look like Slayer?" He smirked
at her as he buttoned up his shirt. "I was just about to fuck Willow when you
interrupted us."

Willow flinched in shame as the group turned to look at her. Oz's eyes
reflected hurt and betrayal.

    "Oh don't worry gang, I actually had to force Willow but once I got her
worked up, she was begging me for it." Angelus purred out triumphantly. His
eyes gleamed possessively at Willow's shaking form.

Buffy had been about to step forward with her stake in hand when Angelus
raised his hand snapped his fingers.

Without warning a swarm of vampires came from behind the bookshelves and took
positions everywhere. They surrounded the entire library.

    "Now we can do this the hard way and I'll have my minions kill everyone
here than I'll take Willow or I'll take Willow now and leave you all here
alive." Angelus said softly, his eyes were intent on the redhead who looked
back at him in shock.

    "It's your choice Willow." Angelus continued softly. He stepped forward
toward her and held out his hand.

    "What's it gonna be?" Angelus looked only at Willow's face to see her

Willow took one look around the library and saw how outnumbered her friends
would be, she bit her lip and slowly with her hand trembling the whole time
placed it in Angelus' hand.

Angelus smiled softly down at Willow before he turned his head up toward the
still frozen Scooby gang.

    "She's mine."

Wanted (9/9)

Angelus smiled down at Willow as he walked her down the hallway to his
bedroom. Her hand was still in his and whenever she tried to move away from
him, his grip would tighten and bring her closer.

He closed the door behind them and immediately pushed her up against the door.

    "Willow you have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now." Angelus
said roughly before his hands ripped her shirt off. His mouth fastened onto
hers, his tongue thrust in deeply. She whimpered out at how fast things were
going but her tongue curled around his. While his mouth kept her busy, his
hands reached below her skirt and in his hurry ripped them off.

Angelus was frantic to be back inside Willow's warm tight sheath. One of his
hands jerked frenziedly at his zipper before his cock was finally freed. He
guided it back into her warm already wet slit and pushed in deeply.

Willow gasped and her hands immediately gripped onto his shoulders. His hands
grabbed onto her upper thighs to help keep her up against the door while he
fucked her. He grinned tightly at her as he began slamming repeatedly into
her. He groaned at how good she felt around him while she whimpered and
gasped out at the pleasure.

Angelus swooped down and suckled hard at one of her breasts while he slapped
his body harder and faster into hers. Willow's nails dug into his shoulders
biting his flesh through his shirt. He growled at the pain and pleasure of
their union.

Finally Willow's moans turned into a scream as she reached her first orgasm.
Her body shuddered in his arms. Angelus groaned hoarsely as he spilled
himself inside. They sagged against the doorway. Her back was arched and his
head was buried in her chest as they recovered.

Suddenly Angelus looked up at her and grinned.

    "Now that we've broken in the door, lets break in that nice big bed." He
nodded back at his large four-poster king size bed with black satin sheets.

Willow smiled tentatively at Angelus, her whole body and face were flushed
with pleasure possessing that special "glow."


Angelus laughed softly before he kissed Willow and slowly carried her over to
the bed.