Title: Initiated
Author: Elka
Post Date: 28-12-99
Rating: PG
Part: 1 of 1
Distribution: The regulars. Ask if you've got the wants.
Disclaimer: Joss is the wind beneath my wings.
Spoilers: The Initiative. You really had to watch the ep to
get this. Sorry.
Feedback: I lick feedback.
Author's Notes: This has been nagging at my little brain since
I watched the ep. It's just a short little thing, rewriting
the first part of that wonderful W/S scene.

9 of 10 for 27-12-99/early 28-12-99 - I lied. Last one. Too
damn tired. I finished two series' tonight. Isn't that enough.


The moaning voices thrust Willow further into her depression.
She wanted nothing more than to just curl up and die. She hugged
the pillow tighter to her chest, bringing her knees up. The
door knocked, interrupting her moping.

"Come in." She called dejectedly.

Spike walked through the door, gladly using his invitation
to stroll toward her casually. He smiled at her.

"Spike!" Willow jumped up. "Wh-what do you want? Uh, a spell?
I can do that."

He glances around the room, ignoring her, stepping away from
the door. He inspects the place with a sweep of the eyes.

Willow takes advantage of his averted eyes and tries to run
past him, heading for the door.

He easily grabs her around the waist, throwing her violently
against the dresser. The table shaking as she grasps it for

Spike opened his mouth to speak. "I'll give you a choice."
He walks over to her. "Now I'm gonna kill you. No choice in
that. But... I can let you stay dead... or..." He morphs into
game face, ready to play. "Bring you back, to be like me."

Willow drew back in horror. "I--I'll scream."

He smiled through his fangs. "Bonus."

Her scream made him flinch, he angrily reached behind her,
turning the radio up to a blaring level. She's shove on the

"No!" Willow struggled, punching, hitting, kicking at the vampire
on top of her.

"Changed my mind." Spike threatened fiercly. "I like your fire.
No choices."

He leaned down to bite her, ignoring the pain in his head.
Sissy commando boys really think a headache would stop old


Buffy headed down the hall. She just wanted to collapse on
her bed. She fumbled with her keys in her tirednes, anxious
for much-needed sleep. The door opened under her push.

"Willow...oh my god."

She rushed over to her friend, carefully examining the wound
in her neck. She touched her cold flesh.

The Slayer whipped around as the door slammed behind her. Spike
stood, arms crossed over his chest, smiling.

"'Ello Buff."

"You killed Willow." She gritted her teeth angrily, feeling
for her stake.

"Yup." He nodded innocently.

"Your turn to die, Spike."

"No, Slayer."

Buffy spun around. Willow stood, eyes glowing yellow in the
dim room.

"You're turn."
