Mistletoes And Secrets
By Elka
Title: Mistletoe and Secrets
Author: Elka Carpenter
Email: [email protected]
Rating: PG
Part: 4 of ?
Order: Follows part 3. Mindblowing.
Spoilers: Season four. Spike is still tied up and unbitey in Giles'
'Something Blue' DID happen, wow.
Distribution: The regulars, ask if want.
Disclaimer: Joss is the wind beneath my wings.
Feedback: I lick feedback.
Author's Notes: All the wonderful Christmasy stories, had to write my
Actually two. This is the sappy sweet one, the angsty, smutty one is
Willow blinked.
She didn't get the connection. Her expression softened.
"Like me?"
He resisted, not able to admit the truth.
"Yes, luv, just like you."
She nodded. "What else about her? What was she like?"
Spike paused.
"Well, she was wonderful, friendly, and
sweet. Made me teeth ache after
bit, but in the good way, you know?" He smiled, looking thoughtful.
cared so much about others that it sometimes blinded herself to her own
pain. She just gave and gave until it seemed like she could give no
more and
she just turned around and gave some more."
He looked at her carefully.
"You remind me of her."
"Is that why you always look sad around me?"
"Sad?" He was surprised at her perception.
"You always have this look, like you're
somewhere else. When you look
at me,
it's like you're so into your thoughts. I don't know, it's hard to
He cut her off. "Yes."
"Yes, what?" Confusion.
"Yes, I understand, I know what you're saying, pet."
Spike leaned in closer, his face near hers.
"Yes." He repeated once more, quietly.
Willow drew in a sharp breath. She stared
in his blue eyes, they
through her own. An overwhelming feeling over took her.
Moments passed by. Willow shook it off.
"How long ago was it that you knew you loved her?"
Spike regarded the innocent redhead intently.
He answered, his voice
full of
"About a month."
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