Everything's A Mess

By Elka

Title: Everything's a Mess
Author: Elka Carpenter
Email: [email protected]
Rating: PG
Part: 1 of 1
Order: First part in a series called 'Twice Bitten, Never Kissed'
Spoilers: Season Three (Prom, Grad) and Four (and Angel - I Will Remember You) - Spike is still 'impotent', but Giles lets him roam the apartment freely. He doesn't leave. Oz is still gone off to find himself. Oz has been gone for a couple months. 'Something Blue' never took place, but 'Pangs' did.
Distribution: http://wonder.tentex.com/~breathe
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon is a God-like man and I fall before him on bended knees. Oh, and WB, Fox, the usual creatures of the night. I salute you.

Feedback: I lick those that do not respond to my stories.
Author's Notes: I'm blocked up on 'Breathing Activities'. I return to it someday. For now, enjoy this. Inell, you silly sap, I swear I had the idea. Nita, I promise to tie this entire story up with no loose ends. To the rest of you, there's a lot of Buffy and Oz in the first part for setting sake, trust me it's W/S to the end.


        She wanted him back.

        Buffy wanted Angel to come back to her more than anything in her
world. She
could feel the actual pain, a dull throbbing her chest. The seperation
left her with a hole in her heart and seeing him, even for those few
in L.A., had only served to rip the hole open again.

        She sighed, willing herself not to cry. She glanced around the empty
cemetery, she hadn't had a good kill in weeks and it was starting to
She feared she was turning into Faith, but the anxiety was built up so
strong, she just needed to let it all out. Spike's constant whining
help. Neither did Willow's incessant moping over Oz.

        A hand cut off her oxygen, squeezing her neck tightly, pulling her to

        "Slayer..." The voice seethed, low and husky, of the unhuman minority.

        She struggled, trying to free herself as her surroundings start to
The bloodflow to her head was cut off, she could feel herself getting
weaker. Her Slayer powers was useless.

        The demon toyed with a stake, tracing a heart with it on her chest,
it lightly into her, not breaking the surface.

        "I've heard a lot of complaints about you." He leered at the helpless
Buffy. "Your time has come."

        "Not so much." A famillar voice said.

        The demon turned, surprised, right into a stake. Buffy fell backwards
the arms of her rescuer as her assailant collapsed into a pile of dust.

        She glanced up, staring into Oz' face. "You're...you're back." She
stuttered, catching her breath.

        Oz was as deadpan as ever. "It would appear that way."

        They leaned down, sitting together on the cold ground as Buffy
regained her

        "You saved my life." She said, gazing at him.

        Oz started to answer, ready to avoid the question with his expected
humbleness. Buffy burst into tears.

        "How could you do that?"

        He stared at her with unusual surprise, not sure what to make of the
female. He patted her arm twice.

        "There. There." He said uncomfortably. "I'll try not to, uh, save your
again. I don't know what I was thinking."

        Buffy rested her head on his shoulder, trying desperately to collect

        "Everything's a mess." She cried into his shirt. "Angel's stalking

        "Stalking you?"

        She moaned, tears soaking his clothes. "Willow can't think of anything
you and if Spike doesn't stop giving me advice on how to deal with her,
going to be nothing but a pile in a dustpan."

        Oz searched for words. "Willow? And Spike?"

        She looked up at him. "Everything's a mess." She repeated.

        Oz stared down into her tear-filled eyes, only inches seperating their
faces. He felt a sudden desire to kiss her.

        "Everything's a mess." He breathed, Buffy leaning closer.

        The two fell into a kiss. Buffy wrapped her fingers around his neck,
holding him to her. Oz' hand stroked her hair, the other on her face,
retaining the contact between them.

        The kiss continued like it would never end.

        From across the cemetery, Willow, turned away from the scene to leave,
heartbroken and crushed.


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