Buffy: The Vampire Slayer : The Musical

By Elka

Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Musical
Author: Elka
Email: midspark@excite.com
Post Date: 01-23-00
Rating: PG13
Part: 1/?
Distribution: The regulars.
Disclaimer: Joss kicks my ass, so do the Grease people.
Spoilers: Season four.
Feedback: Moves me.
Author's Notes: To Inell, for her birthday.

Yes, good people, Elka has finally lost it. Welcome to Buffy the Vampire
Slayer: The Musical. Hope you all have seen Grease...

Oh, and Inell, I lied. Of course I know what year it came out.


"Going to take a tub, old man." The vampire called.

Giles waved a hand absently, absorbed in his book.


Spike shut the door with a spin, whipping off his leather duster. He dropped
it to the floor. He drew a comb out of his back pocket and ran it slickly
through his hair. The comb became his microphone as he began to sing
slightly off-key.

"I solve my problems and I see the light,
We gotta plug and think, we gotta feed it right
There ain't no danger we can go to far
We start believing now but we can be what we are"

He sang, pulling off his shirt, giving the bathroom scale a strip tease. He
reached over to start the water, kicking a leg out behind him.

"Blood is the word
They think our love is just a growing pain
Why don't they understand, It's just a crying shame
Their lips are lying only real is real
We start to find out now we got to be what we feel"

Spike strummed his air guitar, jumping up and down a couple times. He flung
himself across the bathroom floor, sliding on stocking feet into the
opposite wall. He bobbed his head up and down to the imaginary music.

"Blood is the word
It's got grovve it's got meaning
Blood is the time, is the place is the motion
Blood is the way we are feeling
We take the pressure and we throw away
Conventionality belongs to yesterday
There is a chance that we can make it so far
We start believing now but we can be who we are"

His pants slid to the floor as he twisted his hips to the rhythm. Kick,
step, turn, bellydance, bellydance. Spike got his groove on as the tub

"Blood is the word
It's got groove it's got meaning
Blood is the time, is the place is the motion
Blood is the way we are feeling
This is the life of illusion
Wrapped up in trouble laced with confusion
What are we doing?"

Spike shrugged his shoulders to the questions he asked himself. He closed
his eyes imagined Willow there with him. He twirled the air in front of him,
dipping back, and slapping her with a hot little move he learned in Italy.
He was surprised to find nobody there when he opened his eyes.

"We take the pressure and we throw away
Conventionality belongs to yesterday
There is a chance that we can make it so far
We start believing now but we can be who we are"

He crooned loudly. Spike twisted the water off. He jumped in the tub, the
contents sloshing over the side haphazardly. He fell to his knees, his head
thrown back. He sang at the top of his lungs.

"Blood is the word
It's got groove it's got meaning
Blood is the time, is the place is the motion
Blood is the way we are feeling"

He sank back in the tub, clutching a rubber ducky in his cold hands. He
squeezed the innocent bird, scrunching up his face as he sang the last

"Blood is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word
Is the word"

Spike paused and counted on his fingers.

"Is the word"


The two vampires regarded one another silently for several moments.



The two stared at each other solemnly.

"How was your summer, daddy?" Spike asked his sire.

"Not bad. You?"

"Got a little action." He shrugged cockily."

Angel broke out into a rare smile, he nudged his childe.



"Was it hot?"


"So it was good down at the beach, yeah? Lot of good days?"

"Good days. Sure. But the summer nights..."


"Wills!" Buffy squealed, adjusting her pink jacket. "I haven't seen you ALL
summer! Where have you been?"

"Oh. I've been around." She answered vaguely, a small smile on her face.

"Come on. What's been up?"

"I spent most of the summer at the beach."

"The beach?" Grin. "What was there? Or more specifically, who was there?"

"Just a guy."

"Spill it, sister."

"I don't want to."

"Do I have to threaten you with physical violence?"

Willow laughed. "No. It was nice." She paused. "We had a nice time."

"So you had some good days of fun in the sun?"

"Summer days were good." She looked up at her. "But the summer nights were
more fun."


Spike jumped up on the table, tapping his foot to the beat.

"Summer loving had me a blast..."

Her red hair flew as she turned to the group of girls next to her.

"Summer loving happened so fast..."

He leaned down to Angel, a wide smile on his face.

"I met a girl crazy for me."

Willow raised the back of her hand to her forehead.

"Met a boy cute as can be..."

Willow kicked her leg and threw her head back.

Spike spun around, falling to one knee.

"Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights..."

Friends jumped up to form a conga line.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Angel thrusted his pelvis like the swinger he is. He elbowed Spike hard in
the ribs.

"Did you get very far?"

The group cha-chaed.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Cordelia looked on boredly, kicking her legs a French can-can girl. She
waved her nail file in Willow's face.

"Like does he have a car?"

Spike tangoed around the room with Xander in tow. He sang around the rose in
his teeth.

"She swam by me, she got a cramp..."

Willow was lifted in the air by a group of onlookers.

"He ran by me, got my suit damp..."

He fell to the floor on his back, thrashing the air like a dying fly.

"I saved her life. She nearly drowned..."

She spun around twice, her poodle skirt ripping on a fence.

"He showed off, splashing around..."

Willow and Spike jumped to their feet.

"Summer sun, somethings begun, but oh oh, the summer nights..."

Giles and Wesley did the macarena.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Anya and Buffy skipped to their lou.

"Was it love at first sight?"

Oz shook his booty.

"Did she put up a fight?"

Spike did a full split on the carpet, demonstrating his affection for

"Took her bowling in the arcade..."

Willow limboed.

"We went strolling, drank lemonade..."

He leapt and twisted like a puppy in mid-air.

"We made out under the dock..."

She did a little jig.

"We stayed out until ten o'clock..."

Willow and Spike did pirouettes.

"Summer fling, don't mean a thing, but oh oh, the summer nights..."

Wesley and Melted-Doyle put on dresses and sang in falsetto voices.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Angel took all his clothes off and did a pole dance.

"But you don't gotta brag..."

Cordelia and Buffy square danced together.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Anya had sex.

"Cause he sounds like a drag..."

Willow hugged a tree.

"He got friendly holding my hand..."

Spike did the Snoopy dance with Xander.

"She got friendly down in the sand..."

Willow sighed delusionally.

"He was sweet, just turned one hundred..."

Spike did a load of laundry.

"Well, she was good, if you know what I mean..."

Willow and Spike filed their taxes while doing a two-step.

"Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but oh oh, the summer nights..."

Buffy and Anya riverdanced furiously.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Cordelia had a vision.

"How much dough did he spend?"

Angel ripped Parker's head off and ate it.

"Tell me more, tell me more..."

Riley kissed an ear of corn.

"Could she get me a friend?"

Willow got jiggy with it.

"It turned cold, that's where it ends..."

Spike got his thang on.

"So, I told her we'd still be friends..."

Willow sobbed.

"Then we made our true love vow..."

Spike sobbed.

"Wonder what she's doing now..."

Willow and Spike orgasmed simultaneously.

"Summer dreams ripped at the seams,
but, oh, those summer niiiiiiiiiights..."

Everyone stood with outstretched arms.

"Tell me more, tell me more."
