The Great Beyond

By Elka

Title: The Great Beyond
Author: Elka
Post Date: 28-12-99 (technically the 29th)
Rating: PG
Part: 1 of 1
Distribution: The regulars: Sammy, the Special One, etc.
Disclaimer: Joss is the flame of my fire. REM's 'The Great
Spoilers: None
Feedback: Don't be afraid of the crazy British girl.
Author's Notes: Just a song fic. Spike and Willow, back and


< I´ve watched the stars fall silent from your eyes
All the sights that I have seen
I can´t believe that I believed I wished
That you could see
There´s a new planet in the solar system
There is nothing up my sleeve >

Everything I've seen doesn't compare to you. Everything I've
done. I have nothing to hide from you, all I have is yours.
The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew it was special, but
not allowed. Forbidden is the most potent of love.

< I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground >

I do everything I can to be with you. But it's so hard. The
stares, the whispers. They don't aprove, but I go on. They
don't hear what I say, they don't see what I see.

< And all this talk of time
Talk is fine
And I don´t want to stay around
Why can´t we pantomime, just close our eyes
And sleep sweet dreams
Being here with wings on our feet >

Why won't things just work for us, luv? The time can be ours.
Shut your eyes and go to sleep and we will forever exist in
our dreams. One shared dream between lovers.

< I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground >

It's all I want, all I've ever wanted. You know the words,
you know the steps, but I still I fall behind. It's special
I know, but I keep stumbling. You always help me up.

< I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond >

Your smile changes me. Your eyes effect me. Your affection
picks me up and knocks me around. Making me beg for more. I
constantly search you for more. With you, everything is in
order, the world stops and all is as it should be.

< I want the hummingbirds, the dancing bears
Sweetest dreams of you
Look into the stars
Look into the moon >

I want it all when I'm with you. And when I'm not. When I sleep
and you're not lying next to me, I dream of you until I can
hold you close to me again. We share the night. It's all we
have. Something common, something stable where we sneak away
to, to avoid the negatives.

< I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground >

I'd fall for you. I'd fight for you. And I'd die for you. You
light me up like nothing ever could. Bring warmth to coldness,
breath to non-breathing, a beat to my heart. Again and again
I'd fall for what we have.

< I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond >

Who cares what they say? They can think what they want. They
can say what they believe is true. Preach all day and all night.
While we melt into each other's arms. Share that eternal kiss.
Let them go on. What we have stops time.
