
By Inell

Title: Y2Krazy
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual suspects
Rating: R
Feedback: Would be appreciated
Notes: To Jessica: The challenge was hers. Any complaints should be
directed to her. LOL...I'll accept any compliments!

Y2KRAZY (1/?)

Willow reached for the cream to put in her coffee. She watched the
substance and counted until she had her usual dosage. Some way to spend
New Year's Eve. Buffy was out with Riley, enjoying a romantic night
together. Xander and Anya were no doubt having sex somewhere
imaginative. Even Giles had gone off to join his orgasm buddy as the
gang called her. Spike had disappeared, probably trying to find some
silly twit to screw.

She was alone. On New Year's Eve. Perfect way to start the Millennium.
Her glance fell on her lap top. Well, not completely alone. She was
planning on getting some research done for Giles. He had been kind
enough to allow her to stay at his apartment. Her parents were gone, as
usual. The dorms were rather empty, but the few remaining students were
throwing a party. She didn't need to hear the loud music and the
laughter as others enjoyed the night.

She turned her computer on, relishing in the soft purr it made as it
connected. Familiar things would often comfort her when things looked
bleak. She typed in her codes and began surfing the web. She chuckled
over some mail a friend from England had sent her. She typed her
response and sent it, moving on to the next letter.

She typed away for hours. She found the research that Giles needed
easily enough. After bookmarking the needed pages, she began to browse
some of her favorite sights. She clicked on the icon that would take
to the herbal online store, when, suddenly, the screen started
She hit the side of the machine, trying to fix it. She heard a groan
from the inside of it as the screen flickered off, leaving a blank
screen. Her mouth fell open, anger coursing through her at the gall of
the machine..
Spike opened the door and heard glass shattering. Surprised, he rushed
in. He froze, a smile taking over his lips. The redhead was flinging
things all over the room. He saw three broken photographs, a pillow,
a chair all laying on the floor.

"There a problem luv?" he said softly.

Willow turned on him, her eyes blazing. "The damn Y2K thing. It knocked
off my computer. Damn stupid machine...you'd think after knowing this
was might happen, they'd be better prepared for it. Are they? No. They
get us dependent on their webpages and their email only to wait until
the goddamn Millennium to pull the rug out and say Ha, we fooled you.
The only thing I had tonight was the damn lap top. Now, it has even
me." She picked up another picture and threw it to the floor.

Spike started laughing. "You've become this pissed off over a stupid
computer? I thought someone must have killed your parents or something.
How bloody ridiculous."

The phone rang. Spike reached for it. "Hello, Hell. Devil speaking. Oh,
watcher. Yes, things are fine. Nope, lights are still on. Go back to
your friend. I've been through one of these already. Don't do anything
wouldn't do" he chuckled as he hung up.

"What?" Willow sputtered. "Everything is NOT fine. I don't have access.
I can not live without my email!"

Spike rolled his eyes. He moved forward. "Nothing else has messed up
luv. Are you sure it is the Y2K thing and not just a computer problem?"

"You're questioning me?" Willow looked at him in shock. "No one ever
questions me about computers. Of course it is the y2k thing, you stupid

"Stupid? Listen here you silly little girl. I'm not the one throwing a
temper tantrum because I can't ski the web or whatever the fuck you
it. You try to act so superior to everyone, so smart. What I wouldn't
give for a camera now" he snorted.

"I..I..." Willow fell the the floor. "It's all I have" she said softly.
"Oz left me...No one else wants me....It's all I have."

"Great Spike. Way to go. Make her cry. Damn it, why'd I ever come back
to Sunnydale?" He knelt beside her, thankful that slayer wasn't going
make an unexpected appearance. "Willow, luv. No tears. I hate tears.
have your friends. Don't you?"

She shook her head. "It's not the same. They have someone else. Even
Giles is having sex. I already hate this year" she whined, sobbing

"Bloody hell" Spike said, knowing her words to be truth. He'd watched
them the last month. She was always retreating to her silly lap top
while the others went out and had sex. "The year just started pet. Give
it a chance."

"No" Willow said, shaking her head sharply. "I'm not leaving this room
until next year."

Spike sat back on his heels. "Might get a bit tired of the watcher's
cooking. He has a tendency to burn things."

Willow felt a smile come, but fought it. "I like Cajun."

"The phone is always ringing, especially in the morning."

"I have an answering machine."

Spike took one last stab. "Then there's me. I sleep on the couch."

"You're ok. You don't try to bite me anymore."

"In the nude" he added.

Willow raised her face to his, her eyes wide. "Does Giles know?" she
asked softly.

Spike laughed. "Let's just say, he makes sure I know when he's about to
leave his room in the mornings."

"Oh my" Willow felt her face blushing. Had she known that, she knew
she would have had to make a surprise visit in the morning. Bad Willow.
Think about the computer.

"So, you see, you have to leave this room sometime."

Willow ran her eyes over Spike's figure, bringing her eyes back to his.

Spike felt a flicker of arousal at the girl's bold appreciation of him.
He had never really thought of her as anything other than the slayer's
little friend. His eyes roamed over her, his cock hardening.

"Want me to make you forget about that silly computer?" he offered, his
voice husky.

"What computer?" Willow asked breathlessly, leaning closer to him.

His hand grabbed her head, his mouth claiming her lips.
