If you would like to submit your Fanfic, please Email me.

Make sure that you Fic Follow the following Guidelines:


1.) All rating are accepted, but make sure that you specify the rating.

2.) The Fic must be primarily about one of the following groupings, although, you may have story lines revolving around other characters. They must be the primary story.

Willow/Spike, Willow/Angel, Willow/Spike/Angel, Willow/Angelus and/or Willow/Spike/Angelus

3.) You need to include Title, author name, author Email, disclaimer, summary, spoilers, rating, and any author's comments, what category you want the story listed under..

4.) Make sure that the name you enter is the one you want listed on the page. So if you have a handle or a pen name you use, put that instead.

5.) If you want a Summary listed, don't for get to include it. Make sure it's only one or two senteces.


If your Fic follows all of that, go ahead and Submit it already!!