Mistletoes And Secrets

By Elka

Title: Mistletoe and Secrets
Author: Elka Carpenter
Email: astrabrite@excite.com
Rating: PG
Part: 1 of ?
Order: First part, hence, one.
Spoilers: Season four. Spike is still tied up and unbitey in Giles'
'Something Blue' DID happen, wow.
Distribution: The regulars, ask if want.
Disclaimer: Joss is the wind beneath my wings.
Feedback: I lick feedback.
Author's Notes: All the wonderful Christmasy stories, had to write my
Actually two. This is the sappy sweet one, the angsty, smutty one is
Inell, alert the media, it's sap! You're effecting me, little bird.


He loved the way she talked.

The way the words spilled from her lips, it left him mesmerized, he
listen to her all day long.

He did.

Spike had been stuck at Giles' for a little over a month, chained in
bathtub most of the time. The other avengers had pretty much abandoned
feeding him when necessary, bringing him something if he begged enough,
for the most part, they could care less that he was there.

But not Willow.

She came and sat with him when it was her turn to vamp-sit. She'd pull
little footstool into the bathroom and tell him all kinds of stories.
was happening at school, things he had missed between gigs in
Sunnydale, how
much she missed Oz.

The vampire had witnessed a complete 180 on the part of the little
how she took all her pain, learned to deal with it by confronting it. A
haywire spell or two later, he felt her on the road to recovery, but
still spoke of the wolf in a wistful tone.

"...so I looked at Riley, then at Buffy, and I couldn't help laughing.
just so funny how he acts around her, the way it's so obvious how much
cares about her, but can't bring himself to tell her."

Willow sighed happily, relating the tale to him. Spike resisted a sigh
his own, studying her mouth as a smile passed over the glossed pink
lips. So
innocent and sweet, she looked.

She glanced at her watch. "Ooh. I have to go, English paper won't write

Willow stood, shouldering her bag. "I'll be here early tomorrow morning
before class."

"See you then, pet."

She gave him one last smile before hurrying out the room.

Spike released the sigh he had been holding in. "'Can't bring himself
tell her...'"

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