Mistletoes And Secrets
By Elka
Title: Mistletoe and Secrets
Author: Elka Carpenter
Email: astrabrite@excite.com
Rating: PG
Part: 2 of ?
Order: Follows part 1. Remarkable.
Spoilers: Season four. Spike is still tied up and unbitey in Giles'
'Something Blue' DID happen, wow.
Distribution: The regulars, ask if want.
Disclaimer: Joss is the wind beneath my wings. Casper...if you catch
Feedback: I lick feedback.
Author's Notes: All the wonderful Christmasy stories, had to write my
Actually two. This is the sappy sweet one, the angsty, smutty one is
I don't know if Dickens was smart or not, I assume he was. What does
Spick know anyway? :) Anya -- such a wonderful story...
Spike felt like a ninny.
He tapped his foot impatiently against
the edge of the tub. Willow was
good four minutes late. He shouted to the librarian once again.
"Giles! What of all this? She's late."
Giles, at the end of his rapidly fraying
rope, stormed into the
"Willow will be here when she gets here.
Now stop whining about it or
be forced to gag you."
Spike sighed. "Fine, fine. Just go on with you."
"Yes, well, I'm leaving now. I'm meeting
a lady friend of mine and
we'll be
out for quite awhile. Please tell Willow that she shouldn't feel
to stay with you the entire time." Giles removed his glasses. "I
wish that upon anyone."
Before Spike could retort, Giles left,
slamming the door behind him.
apartment fell silent.
The vampire sighed, closing his eyes.
He jumped when a pleasant voice entered the room.
"I come bearing gifts." Willow announced,
her voice echoing slightly
off the
Spike looked wearily to the paper sack
she clutched in her arms.
She set the bag down to rummage through
it's contents. "Gifts. You're,
you're bathtub here isn't nearly festive enough." She pulled out a long
strand of red garland.
"It's lovely. Very...very red. But I don't
really celebrate Christmas.
I got
bored of it afet about a hundred years."
Willow stood on the stoo, draping the decoration
over the shower
"Neither do I, but that doesn't mean you need to be a Scrooge."
"I actually met Dickens. Not the brightest bloke in the square."
"Yes. I'm sure his intelligence is hardly comparable to yours."
Willow leaned across the chained vampire
to tape the garland to the
Her cheek brushed his cool lips as she stretched over him.
He took in her scent, feeling her heat
radiate off her face, his eyes
closing to the half.
"Oh, it's getting colder already."
Spike's face dropped at the comment.
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